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Privacy Policy

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At Alejandra Pastry, we take the privacy of our customers and visitors very seriously. This Privacy Policy describes the types of information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it.We do not sell or share our customers' and visitors' information with third parties. We only use it to improve your experience on our website and offer you our services.If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What is a Privacy Policy?

A Privacy Policy is a document that describes how a website collects, uses, discloses and protects the personal information of its users and customers. It can also explain how the information is acquired, what is done with it, and how it is protected.

What information do we collect?

At Alejandra Pastry, we collect personal information such as name, address, email, and telephone number. We only use this information to process orders, send updates, and improve the experience of our customers and visitors.

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